Bryn Loftness is a PhD candidate at University of Vermont (UVM) in the Complex Systems and Data Science PhD Program and an NSF Graduate Research Fellow. She collaborates with the Sabeti Lab on projects in the digital epidemiology space, doing computational analyses on mobility network data (i.e. Bluetooth and WiFi) to characterize risk factors for infectious disease transmission.
Bryn received her BSc in Computer Science at Colorado Mesa University. As an undergraduate, she completed two NSF REU programs in machine learning algorithm development (University of North Texas and Washington State University). She was also significantly involved with the Colorado Space Grant Consortium, where she engineered biosensors and accompanying software to explore and characterize physiological responses to stress stimuli. Bryn is broadly interested in building algorithms using behavioral and biological data to model associations with disease transmission or underlying disorders.
Outside of the lab, Bryn enjoys traveling, going on walks, painting, and playing soccer.